Akai MPD32 mapping for Traktor Pro – Updated to version 2.0.1
Lately I have received many emails from people who are having problems importing the mapping to Traktor. My latest version of the mapping was exported from Traktor Pro version 1.2.4. and if you’ve imported the mapping directly to a newer version of Traktor Pro, then the mapping has failed to work.
Good news is that today I updated my Traktor Pro to the newest version (1.2.6.) and now my mapping is compatible with the newest Traktor as well. I also added double assignment to the Shift (Modifier #1) button which will now change the deck control corresponding to the Pad Bank, f. ex when you are on Pad Bank B, pressing Shift button will change the deck focus to deck B. Please let me know if you still have problems importing the mapping. Happy controllerism! 🙂
Download De Souza’s Traktor Pro MPD32 mapping v.2.0.1
Read the full description of the mapping v.2
Here’s DJ ExLab using this mapping:
My mapping is free to use as it is or you can use it as base of your own mapping but do not share it anywhere else unless it’s linking directly to this page. If you’ll find my mapping useful and think it would be worth a few bucks, feel free to donate. Thanks!
Does the efx mappings only control in chan mode? I cant get it to work in advanced.
Currently fx mappings only control chain mode effects, however I have plans to change the second fx unit to an advanced fx and maybe implement some of the djtechtools predefined advanced effects. I could also add layers with control banks to add multiple advanced fx possibilities.
Be patient. It’s coming sooner or later! 🙂
Keep up the good work man!
Thanks! I will 🙂
ETA on updated mapping?
I’m quite sure that in couple of days. Already half way there as I have changed two of the fx units to advanced. I just want to complete the update by adding predefined super faders/knobs which takes some time.
I got my MPD 32 and traktor Pro today, I am new on the MIDI branch and would looking forward to see the new update soon 😉
i am very excited about it
and by the way, you have a sweet website with lots of infos about the MPD 32 and MIDI mapping
it would be lovely to share the file for Traktor pro 1.2.7 with us 😉
Yes, the upcoming update is going to be exported from Traktor Pro 1.2.7. I think that the update is ready to be released on this Friday. Or maybe I’ll release it already tomorrow if it looks like I don’t have time to finish editing smart fx faders. Other than that the update is ready.
Sorry, the update has been delayed due to Beatport Cratedigger Sale which has taken my updating time. Still have to write out the changes and complete few super faders that I have been working on… Try to release the update latest on 1st December.
The upcoming new update got even bigger and better than I first planned so it also took more time than I expected. However, it is ready now and tomorrow I’ll write it out and release it. It’s worth the wait! 😉
Hi, I got my MPD 32 and traktor Pro today, I am new on the MIDI branch and would looking forward to see the new update soon 😉 i am very excited about it and by the way, you have a sweet website with lots of infos about the MPD 32 and MIDI mapping it would be lovely to share the file for Traktor pro 1.2.7 with us 😉 greetings Why