Entries by samidesousa

Diggin’ Deep @ Beatroot – 27/08/2009

Deep, minimal house and techno at its best. Not only fresh tunes but also gems from the past. [googlemaps http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&aq=t&sll=62.593341,27.575684&sspn=11.76307,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&ll=60.163636,24.942911&output=embed&w=510&h=360]

Diggin’ Deep @ Beatroot – 23/07/2009

Deep, minimal house and techno at its best. Not only fresh tunes but also gems from the past. [googlemaps http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&aq=t&sll=62.593341,27.575684&sspn=11.76307,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&ll=60.163636,24.942911&output=embed&w=510&h=360]

One Night in Bangkok @ Bangkok – 10/07/2009

One Night in Bangkok  Friday 10.7.2009 // 22:30-04:00 Bangkok Kaisaniemenkatu 4 00100 Helsinki Ticket 5€ € + cloak room 22:30 INDIVIDUAL 23:30 DE SOUZA 00:30 FLINK  02:30 TURBULENC Lights: marX (Clinic) [googlemaps http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=Kaisaniemenkatu+4&aq=&sll=62.593341,27.575684&sspn=11.76307,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kaisaniemenkatu+4,+Helsinki&t=m&z=14&ll=60.171288,24.946817&output=embed&w=510&h=360]

Diggin’ Deep @ Beatroot – 25/06/2009

Deep, minimal house and techno at its best. Not only fresh tunes but also gems from the past. [googlemaps http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&aq=t&sll=62.593341,27.575684&sspn=11.76307,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&ll=60.163636,24.942911&output=embed&w=510&h=360]

Diggin’ Deep @ Beatroot – 13/05/2009

Deep, minimal house and techno at its best. Not only fresh tunes but also gems from the past. [googlemaps http://maps.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode=&q=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&aq=t&sll=62.593341,27.575684&sspn=11.76307,39.506836&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Iso+Roobertinkatu+10,+Helsinki&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&ll=60.163636,24.942911&output=embed&w=510&h=360]

New Mix: Rain Dance

It’s October and we haven’t got a single drop of water for a long time so it’s definitely time for a little rain dance. Here’s a step-by-step list how to participate: Load this mix into your stereo and turn vol up to 12 Make sure you have a lot of room so you don’t run […]

In the mix: Nod Your Head, Stomp Your Feet

Didn’t have a chance to record my latest gig in Mbar so I made a mix from some of the tracks that were played there. The mix has kinda floating mood throughout so just close your eyes and let the rhythm take you to a special ride.